About me

Hi! 👋 My name is
Hannah Swain Løvik.

I’m a productively squeaky wheel focused on empowering people and improving efficiency.

Photo: 360 You Photography

I was born in the US, moved to the Netherlands at age of thirteen and then decided Sweden would suit me better at age twenty-seven. My Norwegian partner, our two Norwegian forest cats, and I all live together just outside of Stockholm. These days, I call myself a world citizen.

I work at Automattic – initially as a WooCommerce Happiness Engineer, and currently. as a lead of leads/senior manager in WooCommerce Happiness. I believe that open-source software is a powerful concept that makes the world better, and I am proud to support it. See LinkedIn for more career-specific details.

I’m driven by a passion for using technology to make a positive impact. As a leader, I embrace servant leadership, enabling talented individuals and removing obstacles so they can thrive. Empowering others is at the core of everything I do.

I enjoy building my toolbox and am particularly interested in understanding what makes us tick so that we can work towards our strengths. Focus areas are:

I spend my time exploring the Swedish countryside, reading (mostly) fantasy books), diving down rabbit holes, and knitting.


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